Memories or Money?

The toughest decisions I face as a young adult are whether to deplete my bank account for the sake of a good time. As the saying goes, “These are the the best years of your life.”  And I wanted to live up every moment of it.

There were a few times I chose memories over money:

  1. Spring Break 2012- South Padre
  2. My 22nd Birthday/Halloween
  3. Rock Port Trip-2012
  4. Spring Break 2013- Panama CityGirls

All of those were 1000% , yes I said 1000%, worth it!  Beautiful and forever cherished memories were made but at the same time I lived off of less than ramen sometimes afterwards just to make rent


There were  a few times I also chose money over memories:

  1. Ranch Party 2013
  2. Purposely skipping Floats in Summer of 2011&2012
  3. Rock Port Trip-2013
  4. Several game nights up in ATX (GAS MONEY!)


A few of those I regretted because everyone would come back talking about how much fun it was, but in the long run There will always be another opportunity for these smaller events. And its nothing that ways too heavily on your heart for skipping.

Currently I am faced with another decision of memories or money.

I have been getting the short end of the stick with scheduling at work lately and have been given 3 days a week. With a minimum wage job making rent on that is nearly impossible unless I don’t buy anything at all, not even groceries, this month. Luckily I have savings to help bridge the gap though.

Also this weekend, my former roommate and current friend is having her birthday celebration in Houston (where she lives now). I was not told with enough time to request off but I could have found someone to cover it. However that would have left me with only 2 days- which means no money.

I did pick up 2 extra shifts so I can “technically” afford to miss Saturday now. So the question comes again: Memories or Money?

Which would you choose?

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